Thursday, December 21, 2006

Still not using it

So they have switched it up and started using new stuff with the blogger. I think that's neat. I still don't think I'll be switching to this blog instead of my actual blog, but it might be easy to use in some capacity down the road. Or maybe for something else entirely.

Monday, June 26, 2006

New writing style...

Apparently I'm also writing over at the Sports Chic. Check me out over there too.

And no, I will not be updating DVL. My main postings will still be over at dan.lucas.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Arise chicken!

Wow. A blog I had 3 years ago! Amazing. Here's the new blog.

And yes, this post was simply to figure out how to add links and how to bold text.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

The journey begins again!

Today, I started over and have begun to learn actionscript from the bottom up again. I'm using the book Actionscript for Flash MX: The Definitive Guide, an O'Reilly book by Colin Moock. I don't know much about this Moock guy but he definitely seems to know what he's talking about, even if I already found one small mistake in the book. Oh well.

Perhaps this will one day be my profession: programming and writing. I'd love to do that. Once again I guess my path will find it's way to entertainment. At least I hope it will.

Monday, July 28, 2003

The beginning to an end?

There will be no political commentary on this site.

There, I said it.

I use to write long, depressing pieces about the state of the world before it all went to hell but no more. I use to visit all kinds of sites, blogs, and what have yous to get the "other side" of the news and I'd make all kinds of links to it here but nope, not going to do it anymore. In fact, instead of doing that hard, depressing work that no one was reading anyway (I didn't even have a link on google... and google owns blogger...), I'm going to do what any mature gentleman like myself would do: make fun of it.

No, I'm not going to be some sort of political comedian. Actually, those types of people irritate me anyway. No, I'm just going to make the occasional observation about our stupid politicians and then continue on my quest to prove to the world that "Hulk" was the best movie of this summer.

But why am I doing this? At first I just deleted the original blog... things had changed so much since last year that it didn't even seem irrelevant, plus there was the fact that it just reminded me of the days that I was depressed to the point of immobility. Since then I've changed my outlook. I'm still terribly upset at the course of things in this world of course, who wouldn't be, but I've accepted the fact that I can't change everything and by now I know who I'm not voting for in the 2004 elections so anything that comes on the news between then and now is merely entertainment to me.

Speaking of which, another reason I wanted to lighten up the air on this side of the Internet is because I finally decided I know what I want to do with the rest of my life: entertain. I'm not sure exactly what that means but if it results in making games or writing or making funny voices then I'll be happy with what I've accomplished: making people happy if only for a few moments.

That's why I really wanted to restart this blog, to help hone my humor and writing. Granted this isn't an explicit goal or anything, I don't have, "be funny by Aug. 26," written on my calendar or anything. But I figured I should start writing again and really focus on what I want to do in life.

Besides, if I have this blog here (which I used a simple template for on purpose) then maybe one day soon I'll start building around it and do all the other crazy stuff I have sketched out on various notepads that are under piles of clothes in my bedroom. Hey, if Allen can get off his ass and start both an entertainment site and a business, then I can freaking redesign my fucking site.

See you soon.

EDIT: In fact it should be noted that this post may not even exist once I start the ball rolling, but right now, it's 1 in the morning and I have to get up early in the morning and do some real work. Good night.